Tuesday, December 18, 2012

There's No Place Like Home.

There is definitely no place like home, although Tallaght has become one of my many homes! I have been dreading this blog. It is bitter sweet really. I really can't believe it's time to head home already. My short time in Ireland has taught me a lot about myself. I have lived on my own far from home  before but this was different, I felt as though I had to learn a new type of independence. I was very far out of my comfort zone and I couldn't just pick up the phone to call friends and family whenever I wanted or needed to. I learned to rely on Jehovah in a whole new way! I think that is one of the most important things I will take with me from this experience. I have a long list of things in my journal of other things I have learned but I won't bore you with all of them.  I will never forget my new Tallaght family. I don't think they know how much of an impact they had on me. Last night they made a really nice announcement at the meeting that I was leaving and that they appreciated my visit. "It was nice of you to drop in" were the exact words. It got a great laugh. After the meeting the whole congregation got on stage for a group photo. I was amazed at how quick and organized they were. I have shot weddings with slower bridal parties! Jane and George were such great hosts. I will miss them so much. They will be added to the many parents that I already have..yet they are the first that I have in Ireland! I am so glad I was able to take this amazing journey. I recommend traveling to anyone who has the circumstances, especially if your traveling somewhere to expand your ministry. It may be a bit scary, and expensive...but it is so worth it and you will never ever regret it!

Thank you all for reading about my "amazing adventures." I hope I made them sound as amazing as they really were. It was really fun to share them with so many people that I care for. Honesty I must say  I'm surprised anyone even read it, (blogspot may still be lying to me about the actual number of readers) but I'm glad you did! I will post a few last photos for those of you that don't live close enough to see them in person.

Until next time.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Currently seeking qualified blog post titles..apply within.

I'm back in good ol Ireland. My last day is Rome was great. I soaked up as much as I could. Touring the Colosseum was something I will never forget. Along with the entry into the Colosseum you get to tour the forum which are grounds nearby full of old ruins. I found myself repeating throughout the day "I am in Rome!....ROME!!" It was also the only time I could say "when in Rome"...in Rome. Pizza was a staple for me throughout my visit to Rome. It is cheap and you can take it with you and go. When you walk into a pizza place you have a plethora of rectangular slices laid out before you to choose from, once you have looked for 5 minutes weighing your options and you finally decide  they throw it in the oven. I will definitely miss the pizza. My last day flew by and before I knew it I had to be to the airport to head back to Dublin. I met a nice girl from Minnesota who is going to a catholic college in Rome for a semester. We had a really nice conversation about religion and the Bible, I was able to witness for nearly 3 hours. I find young people to be more open minded and reasonable when discussing the Bible .  I'm happy to be back in Tallaght. It feels nice to be back in the company of people. I missed my Tallaght family. I'm staying with George and Jane...they are not of the jungle but they are the sweetest.

Things I've learned

- Italian people (meaning one man in Rome) really do say mama Mia.

- When I heard  police sirens in Paris I had to remind myself I was not in any of the Bourne movie chase scenes.

- I will always be caught and questioned by the owner of the bicycles I am photographing.

- 10 days without proper tea and biscuits was 10 days too many. 

- Black cats love me.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I'm the Map, I'm the Map, I'm the Map.

I want to apologize for my blog on Paris. I just retread it and it was very negative. I wrote that blog on the train to Venice at 7:20am  which was after the full night train I had just taken. I wasn't in the greatest state of mind. I really did enjoy Paris though. The art, the style, the culture, and the food was great.  I would highly  recommend visiting Paris if you haven't. Just go when it is warmer..and maybe take someone along with you....it's definitely a city you want to have someone to share everything with. Today we started our day at the Vatican. The paintings on the ceilings of the Sistine Chapel  were amazing. I was so happy to have company today. It felt like I knew Chantel, Ryan, and Krysta forever. I will definitely be visiting Vegas..not too soon though..I need a break from traveling. They were headed on a 10 day cruise today so we headed back to the hotel around 1. I felt so sad after they left. It was pathetic. I picked myself up though and tried to see as much as I could with the rest of my day. I first headed toward the Spanish Steps. I absolutely loved that part of Rome. I roamed the streets while I ate a slice of pizza. Next I headed towards Trevi Fountain, and then the Pantheon. I stumbled across a square with a small carnival which only added to my plethora of photos. I love that word...plethora. My trusty map escaped from my pocket. I called for it like Dora the Explorer calls for her map yet it never came back. I got a bit lost but being lost gives you an opportunity to see things you may not have if you weren't. I must say I am really proud of myself for how well I get around without ever asking for directions. I am patting myself on the back with my nontyping hand. Tommorow I will tour the Colosseum and try to make to the gardens of Villa Borghese. I am headed back to Ireland a bit early. I wanted to spend a bit more time with all my new friends before I leave.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Buongiorno from the Hive.

Hello there! I'm back to the land of internet. I unfortunately had to pay €3 for an hour at my last hotel so I was very limited on Internet usage. I arrived in Rome today. But first let me tell you about Venice. Venice is as beautiful as you would imagine it to be. There is a photo waiting to be taken around every corner and down every alley. I didn't know where to start. But I found a place and eventually couldn't stop. I really  liked Venice a lot, it was fun just wondering around and getting lost. There wasn't tons to do in Venice besides boat rides and a few cathedrals. It was very touristy there. I think i saw more Asians then Italians. They really really like taking pictures....of everything. All I did in Venice is walk around and take lots of photos. I was definitely content with that. The people in venice seemed much more friendly then the Parisians..I don't think that's too hard though. It had snowed the day of my train ride into Venice so the country side was glittering with fresh white snow. It was gorgeous. Train travel may take longer especially on the cheaper slower trains but the views are definitely worth the time. I left Venice this morning and was off to Roma. Another beautiful train ride. I am staying at a really cool place called The BeeHive Hotel. Half hotel half hostel. It's very homey feeling and super clean and modern. There are three witnesses here from Vegas and we are spending the day together tomorrow. I really needed that. It gets lonely doing EVERYTHING on your own. I find myself being very nosey in restaurants...I tend to place myself in people conversations even if I cant understand them..who thought I could be anymore nosey. 

Important numbers to remember.

5- the number of times I tripped going up stairs at museums, up metro steps, and in doorways.

3- the number of men I saw peeing in public places (metro, side of busy roads)

7- the number of people in my dorm room besides myself.

2- the number of  "Hotel Florida's" I have seen in Italy so far.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Well it has been awhile. I had very ad Internet connection in Paris so I wasn't able keep you up day by day as I would have liked to.  I will try to break each day down the best I can. 

Wednesday, December 5th.

I took the Eurostar from Ashford (where Rachel and Adrian live) directly into Gar Du Nord. After I put my big back pack in a locker for the day I took off to explore. I must say I was very very overwhelmed. If I am being honest I felt a bit overwhelmed the whole time I was in Paris. I seemed to be walking in circles, or squares, or ovals... But I felt like I wasnt getting anywhere. I did a bit of shopping but didn't buy much. The rain came in the late afternoon and that was that. I was wet and very cold. The bright side was only my right foot was soaking wet. I didn't see anything super substantial that day. I felt kind of like Forrest Gump most of my trip... When he starts running and growing the beard..he says I just kept running and running...well I felt that way except I was walking. I just kept walking..and walking. I stayed with a couple outside of the city. They are related too sister from congregation in Tallaght. They didn't speak much english but they were very kind and sweet.

Thursday, December 6th

I started my day off at  the Louvre. It was as big as I thought it would be so I did my best to see the things I could in just a half a day. Of course I saw the Mona Lisa but it was a bit disappointing. It's a lot smaller than you think it would be. I found many other paintings and exhibits  to be far more interesting and beautiful. When I walked out of the Louvre I saw the Eiffel Tower for the first time (this trip) and it never fails to take my breath away. It is so iconically Paris. I had a hard time with the language barrier. I felt very stupid and very  American the whole time I was there. You may think you have style or that you may even be up on a certain trend ...not in Paris. You will most likely always feel under dressed or out of style. Parisians just carry themselves in a way that screams class and style.

Friday, December 7th

This was a Modern Art kind of day. I went to two modern art museums. The second Centre Georges-Pompidou was my favorite thing in Paris. The exhibits were on the 4th and 6th floor so it gave me  great view of Paris. The exhibits were really great. The creativity of the artists really blew  me away. There was also an amazing Dali exhibit... That man was cray but he had talent. My plan was to get the lift to the top of the Eiffel tower on my last night... But of course it was closed. Probably the continuous lovely rain.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Music to my ears

Hello there! I have had an ample amount of time to listen to music while on public transport or walking. These are just a few songs on my iPod I have been listening to and one song i just recently heard and really liked.


Monday, December 3, 2012

One Potato. Two Potato. Three Potato...Four

Coming to you from Dublin airport. My backpacks are full and I'm ready for part two of my trip. I am headed to to England today! I will be staying with Rachel and Adrian for the next two nights. I didn't take the weekend trip to Galway. I went just for a day with Michelle, Phillip, and a brother named Simon. He is....very English. We were meant to see the cliffs of moher on the way out to Galway. The cliffs of Moher are better known for there debut in The Princess Bride as "The Cliffs of Insanity". We had no chance of seeing them though...we could barely see ten feet in front of our faces because of the lovely Irish fog. Saturday we went to Glendalough. Its a quaint  little place in the mountains with medievil ruins and amazing views of the the many hills and valleys. One of my favorite places so far. You must google Glendalough (or wait to see my photos) Saturday night we went to Johnny Foxes the highest pub in Ireland. All the locals don't like it because they say it's touristy and loud...I must say that I loved. The Guinness was great and the atmosphere was very inviting and cozy on a cold wet night. I ran into a couple that is here for two months from Orlando... Praybin and Jasmine...they say hey hey Koronda!!

Things I learned this week.

- If you own a television you have to pay a yearly TV license. This fee is due whether you have cable or not. There are vans that drive around neighborhoods searching for TV owners that don't have a license. This made me very confused and distraught.

- In Tallaght (and maybe many other places) contact solution is not sold in grocery or convenient stores. Only in pharmacies that close at 6pm. No Rub solution costs between €11- €18.

- The whole potato thing is not a stereotype.We ate dinner at a pub in Galway. The meal consisted of turkey, veggies, and 3 different types of potato. (fries, mashed, and mashed potatoes in a fried cylinder type thing.)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Places I've been, People I've Met, Things I've Done...So Far

I only have a few more days in Ireland, I cant believe how fast this part of the trip has gone. I have been to some great places while I have been  here, although the friends I have madewhile here have really made my trip amazing and memorable. Tallaght just recently had 2 young brothers from Oregon stay for three months, I instantly thought I only had a month to make a huge Brendan impact so they wouldn't forget me. I know they all have had such big of an impact on me. These are just a few photos. I have to save some to show when I get home!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

I am definitely unsane.

Today is Thursday. I have to tell myself these things lately and more often then not it's out loud.  I noticed that I have been talking to myself a lot. Others have noticed it as well. I feel as though it keeps me sane yet to others  it may make me appear to be insane. I never understood why the word to be crazy or off your rocker is "insane" I think it should be "unsane."  That's my random thought for this cold cloudy Thursday. This weekend I am off to Galway with a brother named Cathal (cahal) he lives there but stays in the Dublin for work. I have never met Cathal so this weekend should be interesting and full of adventure. Galway is in the west of Ireland and is where Anya Pifer's family is from and lives. I am excited to see what is outside of the big city. I discovered a store called Penneys. When I say "I  discovered Penneys"  I really mean someone brought me to a store called Penneys...and I love it. I bought 2 pairs of shoes for € 7 each and stripped socks the last time I went...i mean what else would I buy in Ireland?! Everytime I am in City Center I am just blown away by the different types of people I pass on the streets.There are loads of students from other parts of Europe that attend Trinity college, or move to Dublin for English courses. The city is packed at night especially now being Christmas shopping season. Monday I leave for the main land with a quick stop in England to see Rachel and Adrain. I haven't seen them for 6 years so I am really excited to catch up. I will be in Paris from Wednesday to Saturday, then I head to Venice, then Florence then Rome. I must say I really look forward to Rome's warmer weather. I booked a really reasonably priced room with a grand canal view in Venice. I have a feeling I will be talking to myself a lot while I'm backpacking!

Important numbers to remember

23- the number of days that my farmer hat has been mentioned in some shape or form.

3- the number of times I have been to Penney's in 6 days.

65- the bus number that passed me up without stopping.

1- the number of times I have been called on by my surname when commenting.

0- the number of times I have lost my house keys. (shocking I know)

Monday, November 26, 2012

My congregation

Good morning... Afternoon..evening...this time thing is messing with my head!! I had a bit of free time before heading out this morning and I wanted to fill you in a bit about my congregation and the ministry. I haven't said much about either in detail. The Tallaght Congregation has at least 10 pioneers and maybe 11 elders.(these are very close estimates) there are usually about 85-100 people at the meetings. The hall itself is very nice, I think it was remodeled just a few years back. I really appreciate the variety of cultures and people in the congregation. There are friends from Ireland (obviously) England, Scotland, Poland, Nigeria, Congo, India, France, Germany, United States, Philippines, Guadalupe, Zimbabwe. There are plenty of young ones running around. It is so encouraging to see everyone at the meetings together. Yesterday was great because the friends were commenting on their favorite conventions. An African sister that was baptized in 93 said she knew she found the truth because of  all the smiling faces and the unity between the tribes of people at her first convention. She said there were police hired to to guard the convention, yet after the first day they didn't need to come back because they saw how peaceful and loving the brothers and sisters were. She started to cry as she was commenting. The ministry has been very similar to ours although the people here don't mind talking for a bit if it's not to cold. The territory is largely catholic or people who have been devastated by things the catholic church have done. Most people are very open to learning about the bible and want to see better conditions yet they really want nothing to do with religion. It has been a more simple approach to the ministry this month seeing as how the placement is tracts. Most gladly except them and say they will have a read over a cup of tea. The friends have been so kind in picking me up for the min and including me in social outings. I have made such great friends!

Sunday, November 25, 2012


 I have been battling a cold the past few days. I don't think it's really a cold.. I think its because im cold...but everyone at the hall sounds like me (coughing,  congestion, nose blowing) its not pretty. I guess we could just all have colds. It's been a pretty normal weekend. I went out long days on Thursday and Friday and for a bit on Saturday. I froze Saturday. The novelty of wearing scarves and trendy winter clothes has officially worn off. I miss wearing shorts and flip flops...I never thought I would say that.  I have been told I look like a turtle on cold days because I stick my neck down into my coat and scarf as far as I possibly can. My hands only leave my pocket when I knock and and if I place something with the householder. Irish weather is truly delightful. Thursday night after service I made dinner for Lisa, Michelle, Jo, and Jemma.I made my sister Shannon's famous enchiladas. I think they enjoyed them but they could have been humoring me. I know they appreciated not having to cook themselves though. I wanted to treat them because they have been such great friends and have helped me a lot since I've been here!

Things I learned this weekend.

- You have to pay to park at shopping malls. (not cheap)  This made me upset and confused.
Although I did made out like a bandit with the sales I found!

- Teenagers queue in order to shop at Hollister.
This blew my mind and made me a bit sick. The store was so packed that they let people in to shop in shifts.

- I am a very indecisive Hotel booker.

- Tipping servers at restaurants and barbers is not expected nor required.
(I got my first and only haircut in Ireland)

- I miss Walmart more then I ever thought I would.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Rain rain go away.

Being in Dublin has really helped me appreciate a lot of things. One of those things is my car. This next bit may seem very dramatic...it most likely will be, but some stories have to be told (or written). My friends from Italy Fabio and Erica invited me over for dinner at eight very near city center. After service I looked online at the bus times and where I needed to catch one. 65b at 7:15. Simple enough. I got to the bus stop a bit early to be on the safe side..it was cold but the skies were clear..thats always a good thing here. As 7:20 came around I got nervous..maybe it was just running late. Made a few calls to make sure I was at the right stop..I was and finally The bus headed my way. The bus "65b" zoomed right past me. (this apparently happens here a lot according to my sources) I called Fabio and explained I would be a bit late because I had to take the Luas. A 40 minute ride on the Luas red line to city center along with a 15 minute ride on the green line. You would think they would be near each other like the map pictures show.. They are not. After I asked 4 people how to get to the green line it was already 8:30. Then the rain came. Needless to say I was soaked after I walked 15 minutes in the rain to the green line. I tried my best to look at this as an opportunity to take in true Ireland for what it's know for..rain. I don't think I tried hard enough. I finally got to Erica's house at 9:20 only 2 hours after I started this journey. (the bus ride home only took 20 minutes) I was quite soaked and had to hang my bright colorful stipped socks over the radiator along with my hat, and shoes. The evening was worth the trip and cold bare feet. There was another American sister there and a sister from Spain. The meal was great. Erica and Fabio just got engaged so they told us the story of how they met and also how and where they got engaged. I couldn't pass up an opportunity to show an engaged couple my work.. I may be coming back to Ireland sooner then I thought! 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A day in Dublin.

Today was my first trip to Dublin during the day. It really is an amazing city. There aren't a lot of iconic things to see like there is in other European cities but I had fun exploring  the back roads and alleys off the main roads.I spent most of my day in the Temple Bar area. It is full of character and history. Today I was inspired by a lot of the street art. 

                                                     Things I saw and did today

I ate luch at Cafe Irie. It was above a really cool vintage/art store.
I asked the girl who worked there to recommend a good cafe and she pointed up.
It was a really cool little place with great atmosphere and reasonble prices.

Dublin Castle.

It had to be done.

Monday, November 19, 2012

"It's the cheesiest."

Two weeks down. Two weeks to go. I feel as if my journey to France and Italy will almost be a vacation from a vacation. I leave for London on the December 3rd to see some friends before I head to Paris. I find that everyone has such strong opinions about European cities..."that city is rubbish" " "that city is expensive and dirty." Then of course you have the friends from Spain trying to sell Barcelona and Madrid. I will just have to come back. The party Saturday was great. The Tallaght congregation knows how to get down! A young brother named Ben put together such an amazing and sweet video for the sister who was moving away. I almost want to move here just so I can move away and get a going away video from Ben. I was summoned front and center for a dance off with a brother named Trevor. He didn't put up much of a fight..I think he was bit out of sorts that night so I don't think he gave it his all. Although he may have just felt there was no other option but to  surrender after I did/attempted the worm. The weather was very typically Irish yesterday so we didn't do much. Michelle, Philip, and I had a movie night and it was perfect. Today after service we picked up a few things from the grocery store and I received some very unfortunate news. There is no macaroni and cheese here. None. Michelle barely even knew what I was talking about when I asked her. I thought of the poor deprived Irish children who have never had Mac and Cheese, but mostly I thought about how I wouldn't be able to have it with my chicken this week. Needless to say I was very distraught in the boxed food section at Tesco. Tomorrow I hope to get to Dublin to do a bit of site seeing.... I still have not been. I hear there are some amazing vintage and used clothes stores that I should check out.

Important numbers to remember.

Three- the number of cereal boxes I have gone through since arriving.

Seven- the number of days it took me to defeat the evil jet lag.

Two- the number of plastic bags full of candy I ate that were meant for the Irish children.

Forty- the number of minutes it takes me to get to city center on the Luas.

Eight- the number of Rich Tea biscuits I ate after lunch on Friday. (they are my favorite)

Four- the number of travel size packages of Kleenex I have used so far in service.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Farmer Brendan.

It is me from the future! I really do tend to feel as though I am in the future. I'm headed to the going away party and didn't think I would get a chance to blog after I get home. I walked down to the mall today. I had to get a few things from the grocery store and I need a pair of blue jeans. I know what your thinking.."why wouldn't you have packed blue jeans Brendan ?" I did. I actually made a special trip to Target the night before I left to buy a specific pair. I wore this specific pair last weekend and something just didn't seem quite right. As I was folding them and putting them away I realized my jeans were only a mere  4 inches too short. They a 34x30. This poses a bit of a fit problem. I found a pair of nice jeans at Tesco that actually fit me for €8. Thats a bargain!! I'm finding that despite every effort of mine to fit in here in Ireland its not as easy as it should be. Here are a few reasons why.

- Every time I pay with my credit/debit card there always seems to be a scene.
All cards here have special micro chips on the back of them. Mine does not. Instead of sliding cards they basically stick them into the machine as if it were an ATM. Most cashiers have no idea what to do with my card.

- When I wear any of my hats...which is almost always.
  I apparently wear farmer hats.  Farmers and sheep herders wear the hats I have become so fond of.

- My converse. It is very very rare to see any men wearing converse here. It's awful.

- The fact that I ALWAYS look the wrong (correct) way when crossing any road.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Knockin in Ballyknockan

We worked Ballyknockan Village until about 2:30 and then continued in the city until 7:30.    
The countryside views were so amazing that I could barely tell my hands were numb from the cold.
I have been told I am one of the few "normal" Americans that have been over...that really doesn't say much if they consider ME normal. You can see below that I have not changed at all.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I may have paid these people to be my friends....

Hello all. Today was grand. I went in the min until about 5:30. One of the sisters felt bad that I am currently residing in a meatless home so she invited me and another sister over for chili. Little did I know Tallaght houses many Trekkies. We watched an episode of Voyager while we enjoyed our chili by the fire.

Here are a few photos proving I may actually be in Ireland.

These are my spanish homies. George and John.

These are my fellow trekkies and new Tallaght pals Michelle and Jo.
I worked in the min all day with them today. They are a riot.
 I cant remember the last time I've cried so much from laughter in one evening. 

This puppy.

This is every street in Tallaght. You see one you see all.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

"Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills"

Today was grand. I walked to the Luis around 9. The Luis is basically an above ground subway that takes you into city center.  Claire and Philip are about a 25 minute ride on the Luis away from where I live. Their hall (Kimich) is full of friends from all over. They have a spanish group that meets there so there are several from Spain. We did first call for about 2 hours. That is 2 hours of walking. They don't play around here. It's actually a really nice change. Not many were home but we had a few good conversations. People here have really been ruined by the catholic church. It's quite sad. Claire made lunch for the eight of us working in the territory. Usually the group goes to someone's house for lunch. Everyone packs pretty light and healthy lunches. I sat in on Philip's study.They call him Ishmael..all I could think of was Moby Dick when he introduced himself. He is from Malawi and has such a great love for the truth and what he is learning. In the evening I met up with some friends from my new congregation for dance rehearsal. There is a sister that is moving away and they are doing a few dances for her at the party Saturday. Whatever it  is that we did is very similar to salsa and merengue. They were quite impressed with my Latin dancing skills...along with my nunchuck skills, and my bow hunting skills..but mostly my dancing skills. Thanks to all of you that have contributed to this wonderful skill. I'm noticing that the Irish walk faster then me. Have you seen how long my legs are? They will run you over with no sympathy. It's nice that I don't have to slow down for the person I'm working door to door with. I did take a few photos in the min today but my computer is being dumb and not allowing me to post them...I will find a way!

Things I learned today

- Myia has a British twin named Michelle.
- Little old ladies that speak Irish are the sweetest.
- Irish people are not meant to dance to Latin music.
- French people are hysterical.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"Nice to meet you Brendan"

It seems that everyday in Ireland could be a lazy watch Netflix kind of day. Today was that day. I was very unproductive and it was grand. Everyone says grand. If  you ask someone how they are..."grand" if you ask someone how their food was "grand" if you ask someone how their lazy day watching Netflix was "grand." So needless to say I did not go to city center today. I thought about it for a whole ten seconds and decided not to. I love the Tallaght congregation. It was my first meeting with them and it was GRAND!  They were all so friendly and so happy that I'm here to help them. There are about 20 kids under the age of 15. And I think most of them came up to me after meeting. I think they were all a bit excited after they heard my comments. My accent is a novelty to the younger ones. I got invited to the movies tomorrow and to a party Saturday that the hall is having. There will be dancing..so you know Brandon will be there. I just referred to myself in the third person because I feel as though I am becoming Brendan, I need to remember who I am! Brendan is an Irish name so of course that is what EVERYONE  calls me. There is also a polish congregation meeting in Tallaght.
(shout out to the Buress girls) Tomorrow I am actually going to work with Anya Pifer's sister and her husband Philip. They live right in Dublin so that will be fun!

Things I have broken since I have been here..
- hanger
- shower
- door knob
- door hinge

Monday, November 12, 2012

Step Over Into Tallaght.

I wasn't planning on writing anything today although I felt impelled because I had a great day in service. I went out with the friends from the Tallaght (Tala) congregation which is the territory I live in. I have been going to meetings and in the min with Peter and Summer in Dun Laogair. (Dun-leree) About a 30 minute drive or an awful 1 hour bus ride away from where I live. Today the friends informed me I should never ride on the second level of the bus....apparently bad things happen up there...they left it at that. After going in the min with the local friends Ive decided to go to the Tallaght congregation during my stay. The friends are a "gas"as they would say. Meaning fun or funny. I immediately fit in. They are all as crazy as me. It's perfect! The territory is quite poor but the people are so receptive. We had great response today, some of the friends even had a few little door step studies. It will work well because there are local friends that can swing by to get me for service and the meeting which will be a lot safer then walking or taking a bus. We even went to the international break place...McDonald's. The McDonalds are quite classy here. I'm taking the day off tomorrow and may try to do a bit of site seeing if the weather allows. I have plans for service Wednesday through Friday with a few different halls so that should be really fun. I have yet to visit Dublin during the day so I hope the weather holds up. I hope to have a few photos to share. Tomorrow.

Oh!!! You may have seen the show "my big fat gypsy wedding" on TLC. There are many gypsies/travelers around this area. They are quite interesting peolple and you know a traveler girl when you see one! 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Buses, Trams, and No Automobiles.

I'm back! The weekend went well although Sleep still not going so well.  I will defeat you evil jet lag!! Saturday I skipped service due to the fact that I didn't fall asleep till 4am. I took the day to go to market and do some grocery shopping. I also went to the Tallaght mall. It was once the largest shopping mall in Europe.... So they say. I can't believe that after going... but Tallaght really doesn't have much to claim besides that. The mall was disappointing and very expensive. I walked everywhere looking for affordable guys stores to shop in and I couldn't really find any, to my surprise I found an H&M.... I was more surprised to find out that they didnt have a men's department. That night I took my first trip to the city center of Dublin. I met friends at Cafe En Sein from Spain, Portugal, France, and Venezuela. We had a few beers and danced. Today was meeting at 10:30 (such a strange meeting time) We then worked rural territory from 1:00-3:30. It reminded me A bit of country territory in Lexington. The people were a bit more willing to talk in the rural territory. Tonight I went to back to Dublin to meet up with the guys from Spain for a beer and a traditional Irish dancing show. I promise pictures will come soon. I haven't been to the city during the day and the places we have been witnessing aren't quite the greates for photos. 

    Things I learned this weekend
- always bring a spare pair of walking shoes to the meeting. ALWAYS.
- street signs in Dublin city center are practically non exsistant.
- public transportation is overrated and looses its novelty after an hour on a crowded bus.
- don't ask a girl her age even if she appears to be the same age as you, and you are certain she is...she        wont tell you.
- there are many muscles in my legs I didn't know I had.
- Irish people are not meant to dance to American music. 
- taxis are evil expensive temptations that flaunt their wheels and warm seats while you walk.

Friday, November 9, 2012

I need a bigger pocket!

Hi! I have had a crazy few nights and days so I am just getting around to posting about my first few days in the min. I am learning that Ireland is much different then I expected. The landscape and cities are a lot like England but I would never tell that to the Irish! The people are very different though. The min has been very similar to ours in the states  people are very apathetic about religion and really want nothing to to do with the bible. We did have a few nice calls today. I worked with a little old Irish sister today named Kathleen, I could put her my pocket and take her home with me... Although I'm pretty sure customs wouldn't like that! I specify that she is Irish because there are so many people from other countries here to help and live. (Spain, Germany, England, Switzerland...) Rather than door to door they call it "first call" and return visits are ... You guessed it "second call" (At least I hope you guessed it!) i have much more to say but my eyes are not fully open at the moment...I will write more to tomorrow..I will be in the city to take some photos and I will try my best to share.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Customs shmustoms

I made it! I say that as if I thought that I wouldn't. The flight was very uncomfortable to say the least. I was trying to think of a clever way to compare all of us on the plane to sardines...but I guess that Is the clever way to say it. I was too excited to care how little leg room I had.  My flight arrived 30 minutes early. Giving me just enough time to be  iterragated  by a customs agent yet again. I think that being unhappy with life and cynical are definitely requirements for the job. I can say for a fact that he definitely does not like Jehovah's Witnesses. After a nice chat with my friend behind the glass, I picked up my luggage and waited for my ride. I finally met my new month long roommates Peter and Summer. They live...We live in Tallaght. We talked for bit before they headed back out in service or "the min" as they said. Unpacking went far to quick considering the amount of time it took me to meticulously stuff everything in. Sleep was amazing and much needed. Peter and summer eat as if they were "vegetarians" yet they are not.  Due to health reasons and the shear fact that meat is extremely over priced they eat veggies, fruit, and rice. Needless to say I will be buying my own meat to cook. Tommorow is a full day "in the min" 9:30 am till meeting time. Sleep must be had.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


JFK is quite amazing. I feel like I am in 10 different countries right now. There are so many languages being spoken around me.. It's fantastic! I'm finding that you have to be very aggressive in order to get a plug here. I claimed a spot... But silly me I had to use the restroom. That was a mistake. Im sure airport authority loves to watch us tired, smelly, confused travelers fight to claim a 2x3 spot on the hard ground to plug in our lives.  I am currently  enjoying the riveting conversation of the two men below. Who needs a movie.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Tomorrow. Tomorrow. I love ya Tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the big day! Everything is packed and ready to go. The responsible adult in me says "go to bed now, you will need the sleep." The rambunctious, excited child in me says "stay up all night! Play, dance, jump up and down!" I have a feeling I will do a bit of dancing and jumping before I go to bed, but a bed will be in my near future. I leave out of Tampa tomorrow at 12:15pm and have a short 7 hour lay over at JFK. I will get to Dublin at 9:30am Wednesday.. their time...aka MY time!!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

So many shoes so little space.

So the packing begins. I have never packed for a month long trip.. with such a different climate. It leads me to ask such important questions as: How many hoodies should I bring? How many pairs of colorful striped socks will I need? Which color chucks will I get the most use out of? My immediate response to each of these questions is "all of them." I have a feeling I will have to make some difficult packing decisions. I will also have to do a test run with my newly purchased hiking backpack. It can only way 15kg (whatever that is) and must  have everything I need to survive for 12 days. My Wednesday night is going to be a busy one.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Weeks Before

Hi! This is my first attempt at blogging. I hope by now that common sense has led you to conclude that this blog is about my "amazing Ireland adventures." I will try to make my blogging and writing skills up to par with how amazing my adventures will be....but don't hold your breath. I really look forward to sharing my trip with you. I leave on November 6th. I will be staying in a suburb of Dublin for a month with a special pioneer couple. At the beginning of December  I will be on my way to backpack through  France, Italy, and Spain. I have a week and a half to plan, pack, and mentally prepare myself for a month long trip... challenge accepted!