Monday, November 26, 2012

My congregation

Good morning... Afternoon..evening...this time thing is messing with my head!! I had a bit of free time before heading out this morning and I wanted to fill you in a bit about my congregation and the ministry. I haven't said much about either in detail. The Tallaght Congregation has at least 10 pioneers and maybe 11 elders.(these are very close estimates) there are usually about 85-100 people at the meetings. The hall itself is very nice, I think it was remodeled just a few years back. I really appreciate the variety of cultures and people in the congregation. There are friends from Ireland (obviously) England, Scotland, Poland, Nigeria, Congo, India, France, Germany, United States, Philippines, Guadalupe, Zimbabwe. There are plenty of young ones running around. It is so encouraging to see everyone at the meetings together. Yesterday was great because the friends were commenting on their favorite conventions. An African sister that was baptized in 93 said she knew she found the truth because of  all the smiling faces and the unity between the tribes of people at her first convention. She said there were police hired to to guard the convention, yet after the first day they didn't need to come back because they saw how peaceful and loving the brothers and sisters were. She started to cry as she was commenting. The ministry has been very similar to ours although the people here don't mind talking for a bit if it's not to cold. The territory is largely catholic or people who have been devastated by things the catholic church have done. Most people are very open to learning about the bible and want to see better conditions yet they really want nothing to do with religion. It has been a more simple approach to the ministry this month seeing as how the placement is tracts. Most gladly except them and say they will have a read over a cup of tea. The friends have been so kind in picking me up for the min and including me in social outings. I have made such great friends!


  1. Hey brandon! Beth burress, glad that you are having such a wonderful time! The friends sound amazing and very hospitable. I am happy that you have such an amazing oppurtunity to serve with the bros and sisters abroad. And I am sure they appreciate your desire to be with them. really enjoying the blog! Hopethe rest of your trip goes as pla.ned and is just as amazing!

  2. Our hall went crazy over commenting on the assemblies too! It was exciting. Does the hall cover their territory regularly? How many days a week do you go out?

  3. Brendan,aka Brandon, I'm at work suppose to be working of course,and yet I found myself not being able to take my eyes off of every word you have written since you started your adventure. You are an inspiration to young single adults in the truth, who say there's nothing to do, or the truth is to restrictive. Look at YOU....I am proud to call you my friend and of course "wedding photographer". Thank you for taking us on your journey with you. You will come home a changed man. Love you Bro... Becky Dattani
