Saturday, November 17, 2012

Farmer Brendan.

It is me from the future! I really do tend to feel as though I am in the future. I'm headed to the going away party and didn't think I would get a chance to blog after I get home. I walked down to the mall today. I had to get a few things from the grocery store and I need a pair of blue jeans. I know what your thinking.."why wouldn't you have packed blue jeans Brendan ?" I did. I actually made a special trip to Target the night before I left to buy a specific pair. I wore this specific pair last weekend and something just didn't seem quite right. As I was folding them and putting them away I realized my jeans were only a mere  4 inches too short. They a 34x30. This poses a bit of a fit problem. I found a pair of nice jeans at Tesco that actually fit me for €8. Thats a bargain!! I'm finding that despite every effort of mine to fit in here in Ireland its not as easy as it should be. Here are a few reasons why.

- Every time I pay with my credit/debit card there always seems to be a scene.
All cards here have special micro chips on the back of them. Mine does not. Instead of sliding cards they basically stick them into the machine as if it were an ATM. Most cashiers have no idea what to do with my card.

- When I wear any of my hats...which is almost always.
  I apparently wear farmer hats.  Farmers and sheep herders wear the hats I have become so fond of.

- My converse. It is very very rare to see any men wearing converse here. It's awful.

- The fact that I ALWAYS look the wrong (correct) way when crossing any road.


  1. Maybe you'll start a trend in Ireland with you shoes and hats!!

  2. Those high water jeans would look alright with your farmers hat and you shepherding! Try it out you may love it... the look I mean

  3. I'm so temped to start talking to you in (very fake) Irish accent when you come back and start asking how your livestock and crops are doing. XD
