Sunday, November 25, 2012


 I have been battling a cold the past few days. I don't think it's really a cold.. I think its because im cold...but everyone at the hall sounds like me (coughing,  congestion, nose blowing) its not pretty. I guess we could just all have colds. It's been a pretty normal weekend. I went out long days on Thursday and Friday and for a bit on Saturday. I froze Saturday. The novelty of wearing scarves and trendy winter clothes has officially worn off. I miss wearing shorts and flip flops...I never thought I would say that.  I have been told I look like a turtle on cold days because I stick my neck down into my coat and scarf as far as I possibly can. My hands only leave my pocket when I knock and and if I place something with the householder. Irish weather is truly delightful. Thursday night after service I made dinner for Lisa, Michelle, Jo, and Jemma.I made my sister Shannon's famous enchiladas. I think they enjoyed them but they could have been humoring me. I know they appreciated not having to cook themselves though. I wanted to treat them because they have been such great friends and have helped me a lot since I've been here!

Things I learned this weekend.

- You have to pay to park at shopping malls. (not cheap)  This made me upset and confused.
Although I did made out like a bandit with the sales I found!

- Teenagers queue in order to shop at Hollister.
This blew my mind and made me a bit sick. The store was so packed that they let people in to shop in shifts.

- I am a very indecisive Hotel booker.

- Tipping servers at restaurants and barbers is not expected nor required.
(I got my first and only haircut in Ireland)

- I miss Walmart more then I ever thought I would.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that you are sick, but glad to know it was only a cold. After a few days of not seeing any posts, I figured that you might have been suffering from a lack of mac n cheese.

    Lots of liquids,

