Wednesday, November 14, 2012

"Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills"

Today was grand. I walked to the Luis around 9. The Luis is basically an above ground subway that takes you into city center.  Claire and Philip are about a 25 minute ride on the Luis away from where I live. Their hall (Kimich) is full of friends from all over. They have a spanish group that meets there so there are several from Spain. We did first call for about 2 hours. That is 2 hours of walking. They don't play around here. It's actually a really nice change. Not many were home but we had a few good conversations. People here have really been ruined by the catholic church. It's quite sad. Claire made lunch for the eight of us working in the territory. Usually the group goes to someone's house for lunch. Everyone packs pretty light and healthy lunches. I sat in on Philip's study.They call him Ishmael..all I could think of was Moby Dick when he introduced himself. He is from Malawi and has such a great love for the truth and what he is learning. In the evening I met up with some friends from my new congregation for dance rehearsal. There is a sister that is moving away and they are doing a few dances for her at the party Saturday. Whatever it  is that we did is very similar to salsa and merengue. They were quite impressed with my Latin dancing skills...along with my nunchuck skills, and my bow hunting skills..but mostly my dancing skills. Thanks to all of you that have contributed to this wonderful skill. I'm noticing that the Irish walk faster then me. Have you seen how long my legs are? They will run you over with no sympathy. It's nice that I don't have to slow down for the person I'm working door to door with. I did take a few photos in the min today but my computer is being dumb and not allowing me to post them...I will find a way!

Things I learned today

- Myia has a British twin named Michelle.
- Little old ladies that speak Irish are the sweetest.
- Irish people are not meant to dance to Latin music.
- French people are hysterical.



  1. LOL! nice Napoleon ref. hmm that's at least twice that you mentioned Irish people are not meant to dance to Latin music...interesting.
    Sounds like you are having a great time ;-]

  2. Great insight Brandon!
