Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Customs shmustoms

I made it! I say that as if I thought that I wouldn't. The flight was very uncomfortable to say the least. I was trying to think of a clever way to compare all of us on the plane to sardines...but I guess that Is the clever way to say it. I was too excited to care how little leg room I had.  My flight arrived 30 minutes early. Giving me just enough time to be  iterragated  by a customs agent yet again. I think that being unhappy with life and cynical are definitely requirements for the job. I can say for a fact that he definitely does not like Jehovah's Witnesses. After a nice chat with my friend behind the glass, I picked up my luggage and waited for my ride. I finally met my new month long roommates Peter and Summer. They live...We live in Tallaght. We talked for bit before they headed back out in service or "the min" as they said. Unpacking went far to quick considering the amount of time it took me to meticulously stuff everything in. Sleep was amazing and much needed. Peter and summer eat as if they were "vegetarians" yet they are not.  Due to health reasons and the shear fact that meat is extremely over priced they eat veggies, fruit, and rice. Needless to say I will be buying my own meat to cook. Tommorow is a full day "in the min" 9:30 am till meeting time. Sleep must be had.


  1. I love the background picture here! where is this room? I am sure everyone in the "min" will love your accent!

  2. O goodness. u n airports just dont get along, but i am sure it will be worth it ;-)

  3. That sounds awesome already! Make sure your meat is not offensive to them!

  4. That sounds awesome already! Make sure your meat is not offensive to them!

  5. Wendolyn and ChadillacNovember 13, 2012 at 9:11 PM

    Also... make sure your FEET are not offensive to them!
    With love, Wendy and Chad
