Thursday, November 22, 2012

Rain rain go away.

Being in Dublin has really helped me appreciate a lot of things. One of those things is my car. This next bit may seem very most likely will be, but some stories have to be told (or written). My friends from Italy Fabio and Erica invited me over for dinner at eight very near city center. After service I looked online at the bus times and where I needed to catch one. 65b at 7:15. Simple enough. I got to the bus stop a bit early to be on the safe was cold but the skies were clear..thats always a good thing here. As 7:20 came around I got nervous..maybe it was just running late. Made a few calls to make sure I was at the right stop..I was and finally The bus headed my way. The bus "65b" zoomed right past me. (this apparently happens here a lot according to my sources) I called Fabio and explained I would be a bit late because I had to take the Luas. A 40 minute ride on the Luas red line to city center along with a 15 minute ride on the green line. You would think they would be near each other like the map pictures show.. They are not. After I asked 4 people how to get to the green line it was already 8:30. Then the rain came. Needless to say I was soaked after I walked 15 minutes in the rain to the green line. I tried my best to look at this as an opportunity to take in true Ireland for what it's know for..rain. I don't think I tried hard enough. I finally got to Erica's house at 9:20 only 2 hours after I started this journey. (the bus ride home only took 20 minutes) I was quite soaked and had to hang my bright colorful stipped socks over the radiator along with my hat, and shoes. The evening was worth the trip and cold bare feet. There was another American sister there and a sister from Spain. The meal was great. Erica and Fabio just got engaged so they told us the story of how they met and also how and where they got engaged. I couldn't pass up an opportunity to show an engaged couple my work.. I may be coming back to Ireland sooner then I thought! 

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